Who We Are: Bill Wallace: a life of public service
Bill Wallace, or âMr. Wallaceâ as engraved in the wooden plaque states going back to his high school teaching days, has had several job descriptions in his years in the county including Summit High School math instructor, Summit County Commissioner and his current position as Summit County Treasurer and Public Trustee.
Who We Are: Bill Wallace: a life of public service
BRECKENRIDGE - The walls of Bill Wallace's office stand tribute to his years of service. A certificate from the U.S. Army hangs alongside a plaque bearing the words "Teacher Extraordinaire." Nearby is a plaque Wall Copyright 2011 Summit Daily News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Summit Daily News Who We ...
Question by Mr. Workin' Out: What do you think of having a "sex club" ?
This is a follow-on to my other question. Some people said re-pairing was tricky because needs are different day to day, so the pairings would have to change. Why not have a sex club, with a clubhouse? Anyone who showed up would be there for sex. Obviously there would be a lot of guys, so any woman who showed up would have pickings. Other guys could hang out at the bar.
This would motivate low-drive spouses to get with the program, or otherwise just give them some relief. All the members would need regular testing, and there would be an annual party where you and your spouse could meet all the other members.
It would be like a large pool of organized swapping. There might even be a bulletin board, ie. "looking for schoolgirl fetish on friday night" or "seeking fireman, anytime..."
Valentine's Day has Ms. Veralyn thinking about "Love" (notice the capital "L"?) and she's asking--how do you recognize the real thing and, once you do, how do you make it last?
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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I have an uncle who had a stroke and it effected his brain and makes him want to have sex all the time. He and his wife are in their 60's and he is aggressively pushing himself on her to get her to have sex with him and she does not know what to do. We were wondering if there are any natural ways to lower a man's sex drive. She is worried for her safety and for her grandaughter's safety because his brain is so messed up.
Best answer:
Answer by the Gibbler Show him your true self. Works everytime.
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it's, Phase, Technicolor
Sorry it took so long to get out. Dedicated all the way to Jane/eagerjupiter. I miss you. The cat is out of the bag! Austin and Ramone decide that it's best to be together after Aubrey drops a bombshell about her sexuality - but is she really serious?! Meanwhile Austin finds out who his dad is - he's Ramone's half-brother! Will he make the date? Or will Ramone be left standing? And what happens after Aubrey requested a "new supplier" for her addiction last episode?
What does it look like? Description The Wedge-tailed Eagle has long wings (wingspan 2.3 m), a characteristic long, wedge-shaped tail, and legs that are feathered all the way to the base of the toes. The bill is pale pink to cream, the eye brown to dark brown, and the feet off-white. Young Wedge-tailed Eagles are mid brown in colour with reddish-brown heads and wings. They become progressively blacker for at least the first ten years of their lives; adults are mostly dark blackish-brown. The only difference in plumage between the sexes is that a female adult is generally slightly paler than her mate. Females (4.2 kg - 5.3 kg) are also larger and heavier than males (3.2 kg up to 4.0 kg). Wedge-tailed Eagles are Australia's largest raptors (birds of prey).
Similar species Australia's second largest eagle (and second-largest raptor or bird of prey), the White-bellied Sea-Eagle, Haliaeetus leucogaster, has shorter, more rounded wings and no feathers on its lower legs. The White-bellied Sea Eagle is 75 cm - 85 cm long and has a wingspan of 1.8 m - 2.2 m.
Where does it live? Distribution The Wedge-tailed Eagle is found throughout mainland Australia, Tasmania and southern New Guinea.
Habitat The Wedge-tailed Eagle is found from sea level to alpine regions in the mountains, but prefers wooded and forested land and open country, generally avoiding rainforest and coastal heaths. Eagles can be seen perched on trees or poles or soaring overhead to altitudes of up to 2000 m. Wedge-tailed Eagles build their nest in a prominent location with a good view of the surrounding countryside. It may be built in either a live or dead tree, but usually the tallest one in the territory. In some parts of Australia, where tall trees are absent, small trees, shrubs, cliff faces or even the ground may be used. The density of active nests depends on the abundance of prey and other resources. In most years, nests are usually 2.5 km - 4 km apart. If conditions are particularly good, the distances apart may be less than 1 km because the birds require smaller areas to find sufficient food.
Wood Duck (about 25' up in a tree)
Image by Rick Leche
I am pretty, oh so pretty!
A colorful duck of wooded swamps and streamsides, the Wood Duck is one of only a few North American ducks that nest in trees. Many people consider it to be the most beautiful of all waterfowl.
Cool Facts
Natural cavities for nesting are scarce, and the Wood Duck readily uses nest boxes provided for it. If nest boxes are placed too close together, many females lay eggs in the nests of other females. These "dump" nests can have up to 40 eggs.
The Wood Duck nests in trees near water, sometimes directly over water, but other times up to 2 km (1.2 mi) away. After hatching, the ducklings jump down from the nest tree and make their way to water. The mother calls them to her, but does not help them in any way. The ducklings may jump from heights of up to 89 m (290 ft) without injury.
The Wood Duck is a popular game bird, and is second only to the Mallard in numbers shot each year in the United States.
Wood Ducks pair up in January, and most birds arriving at the breeding grounds in the spring are already paired. The Wood Duck is the only North American duck that regularly produces two broods in one year.
topSize: 47-54 cm (19-21 in) Wingspan: 66-73 cm (26-29 in) Weight: 454-862 g (16.03-30.43 ounces)
Medium-sized duck. Crest on head. Long tail. White patches in face.
Long, broad wings. Small triangular bill. Iridescent blue-green patch (speculum) on rear of wing, with white trailing edge. Male colorful and distinctive.
Sex Differences Male brightly patterned, female dull gray brown.
Breeding (Alternate) Plumage: Head iridescent green and purple. Long crest green, purple. Thin white line extending from bill, over the eye, to the back of the crest. Throat white with two finger-like projections onto face and neck. Bill red, with thin yellow at base and dark tip. Eyes red. Chest deep reddish. White stripe extending up side of chest; black bar behind it. Sides yellowish gold, bordered in black and surrounded by white line. Back black with metallic sheen. Undertail reddish violet. Tail black with bronzy sheen. Belly white.
Nonbreeding (Basic) Plumage: Head and body gray. Head without long crest, but bushy. Throat white with extension up face and neck. Crown dark. Thin white line extending behind eye. Wings iridescent bluish. Bill dull red.
Female Bushy crest on head. Head and cheek gray with bronze and purple sheen. White area around eye, tapers to rear. Chin and throat white. Upperparts olive or gray with metallic sheen. Breast gray-brown with tan streaks. Belly and under tail white. Sides brown. Tail dark. Bill dark with thin white line at base.
Immature Similar to adult female. Upperparts brownish gray. Cheek light gray. White circle around eye. Throat white, with projections onto face and neck in males. Crown dark. Dark stripe extending back from eye.
How can i approach my 14 year old son and give him the sex talk?
I have recently found out my son has become sexually active with his Gf, i feel bad about it because his sister walked in on him and his gf. And my daughter was upset and confused and that night told me what happened. Because my son was supposed to be watching his sister because me and my husband were on our way home from work. And well i have nit approached my son yet because i am unsure what to say or go about bring this up and talking to him about it, Advice?
Best answer:
Answer by Cookie Preston Talk to him right away and don't delay and don't be hesitant or embarrassed, You're the parent here, for heavens sake. Just sit him down and say you know what 's going on ,and tell him how you found out and do not be judgmental. The approach should be nothing about if he's a bad person, or should not be doing this, or anything like that. The approach should be dealing with the facts as they are. He's sexually active and so deal with it. First just say you know what's going on. Next tell him you know he knows about STDs and pregnancy but say again that he MUST use protection and he must not rely on the girl using protection. He has to take responsibility for himself for that. I would also address the issue of his irresponsibility while babysitting, which is the part where I would be angry with him. It was irresponsible of him to be acting like that when he was supposed to be watching his sister. How old is his sister anyway? That behavior when he's supposed to be babysitting is unacceptable. I know you don't want to deal with this and have put off approaching him, but yes parenting can be pretty unpleasant sometimes. Just deal with it.
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Typecasting T-Town | Tulsa authors make pages and waves, and open doors for other writers with ink in their eyes.
Of all the celebrities Tulsa likes to boast about -- models, actresses and musicians who hail from here but have moved on -- some of the most successful and most interesting still live here in the city and its outlying suburbs. We don't hear much about them, because they're not (for the most part)... By HOLLY WALL AND MANDIE ROWDEN.